RevealME Stroke Enhancer
RevealME Stroke Enhancer
RevealME is liquid gold!
Apply a few drops to make your strokes or outline APPEAR! RevealME will temporarily stain anywhere the skin has been opened 😍
RevealME can be utilized to visualize your outline- even if you tattoo your outline with no pigment! It also helps SO much with visualization during second pass 🤗
Available Colors: Red, Brown, & Black.
Red is meant for lips, and Black is meant for fitz 4 and 5 only. The original Brown is recommended to be used first, only utilize the color Black if the Brown is not showing up well enough.
To Apply: Pour just a few drops of RevealME into an ink ring, and use a microtip or q tip to apply it onto your outline or hairstrokes. Gently wipe off the product after just a few seconds, and RevealME will have stained where you have tattooed 😍
To Remove: Simply apply secondary numbing to remove the majority of the RevealME stain.
Re-apply as needed throughout the procedure to visualize your strokes or outline. Apply RevealME after numbing, as numbing removes the staining.
Any RevealME left at the end of the procedure will not heal into the skin. (As long as the majority of it is removed with wiping and numbing products.)
We can't wait for you to try this amazing product! 🤗